Today is November 6th, Orphan Sunday and I am proud to say that we reached our goal....Today it was an honor to share at a local chuch and offer my goodies. The congregation was EXTREMELY generous!!! I set a goal of 2,000 dollars by the end of the year.  This would supply Open Door Christian Orphanage with new mattresses for all the children. WE REACHED IT!  I have emailed my contact in the Philippines to see if the mattresses can be delivered for the holidays. A mattress seems like such a simple thing to us, something that we even take for granted. However to these children it is a luxery. May I just say that every donation was greatly appreciated, but there were a few that went above and beyond by donating hundreds of dollars. THANK YOU does not seem like enough. I know that the first thing that the children receiveing these beds would say is MAHAL KITA. This means I Love You!. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all that support me financially and emotionally. I am forever grateful. ~Blessings~

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